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Brand and Series of Cue with a Blackbird Logo

Brand and Series of Cue with a Blackbird Logo

I picked this cue up at a garage sale. It's a nice looking stick.

It has a blackbird logo on the butt, and all real inlaid points, etc. Not decals.

I am looking to find the brand and model of the cue.



Brand and Series of Cue with a Blackbird Logo

Replies & Comments

  1. billyraymoenorman on 4/15/2020 6:39:42 AM

    The Black Bird cue is a STEVE MIZERAK cue. I think they were made by Adam Cue Co. of Japan.

  2. billyraybilliardsforum on 4/16/2020 9:57:35 AM

    I think that's a dove logo.

    The company did put out a professional line of Mizerak Signature cues, but those all have a print of his signature on the forearm.

    Not sure if this cue has that or not, but this model is definitely not in the catalogs featuring the Mizerak Dove logo cues.

    Here's another one just like yours which someone asked about a while back:

    This cue is worth $50 or less. The Mizerak Series dove cues are worth a bunch more that that.

  3. billyraybillyray on 4/16/2020 10:04:25 AM

    Thanks for the feedback. There is a smudged area that could have been a signature that was rubbed off but I’ll have to look again.

  4. billyraybilliardsforum on 4/16/2020 10:07:37 AM

    I believe the signature (really just a print) was under the clear coat.

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Brand and Series of Cue with a Blackbird Logo

  • Title: Brand and Series of Cue with a Blackbird Logo
  • Author: (Billy Powell)
  • Published: 4/14/2020 9:09:39 PM
  • Last Updated: 4/16/2020 9:45:49 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)