New Shaft or New Pool Cue?
12/10/2017 11:15:51 AM
New Shaft or New Pool Cue?
Hi everybody from The Netherlands.
I used to play quite a lot of pool in my 20s (now 37) but at some point stopped.I haven't played seriously for 10 years but now I grabbed my cue again.
I used to play with an Adam cue and some cheaper before. I never went too deep on the different tips, shafts or other technical characteristics of a cue, just practice, practice and some tournaments. The Adam cue is a 20oz with maple shaft and a metal joint. So the cues that I own were left in a case for 10 years. All of the shafts have dents mostly because of former use but still roll straight.They are just a bit annoying when playing cause I can feel them while cueing. So I decided to spend some money on upgrading.
After reading excessively about my options I was convinced that a good shaft should be my initial purchase. I want to spend around 150 for a new shaft or 200 euros for a cue and I would like some recommendations on either just a shaft or a nice cue.If possible post links cause I am also not familiar with big selection/nicely priced sites.
I read a lot about low deflection and though I did't use much english in my play I was wondering if I should start with a LD shaft or maple type? Since I am starting from zero again I was wondering if it is better to start with a LD or a maple since changing later would be more difficult.
I am going for a 190z weight. I have narrowed(?) my choices to these cues:
- Lucasi Hybrid Series
- Players HXT
- Players Rawhide RH
- Pechauer JP-N
- Pechauer Pro H Sneaky Pete
- Pechauer Pool Cue Professional P-G 2
- Poison cues with Venom2 shaft
- Joss BB-1
- Joss 101/201/10-01
- Meucci Pool Cue M1
- Balabushka GB-1
- Katana with LD shaft
- Viking Exactshot
- Vikng with Vikore shaft
I would like to hear your opinions on which to choose and why. I know of course that there are multiple variables but I am looking for your views regarding playing, build quality, warranty, value for money. Since there are multiple choices it might also help other people with their choice for a new cue.
So that's my first post and thanks in advance for your help to a former pool addict.
New Shaft or New Pool Cue?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 12/15/2017 9:33:39 PM
Quite honestly, you are WAY over-thinking this.
Go out and try our a few different pool cue brands, and see what pool cues feel good for you. A cue is a personal selection, so what is good for one, is not necessarily going to work for someone else.
As for value for the dollar, look around, and don't rush your choice. Lets say you find a cue you like and feels good for you, and is $100. Well, I always take a look around, eBay, other classifieds, and see what else I can get for that same amount. You can surprise yourself.
But honestly, it's not worth agonizing over every detail. Try a few pool cues in your price range, and go with whatever plays well for you.
K M on 7/9/2018 11:43:54 AM
Yes, you are doing too much "thinking" when you should be doing more playing.
Just visit a showroom, try a few pool cues and various shafts there before buying. Ask about tips, butts, connections (wood or stainless steel), etc.
Good luck and welcome back!
New Shaft or New Pool Cue?
- Title: New Shaft or New Pool Cue?
- Author: vlahmapoutras
- Published: 12/10/2017 11:15:51 AM
- Last Updated: 12/15/2017 9:26:46 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)