ID Old 2-Piece Cue with Brass Joint
6/3/2018 7:56:02 PM
ID Old 2-Piece Cue with Brass Joint
I recently purchased an older 2-piece pool cue with a brass joint at an unclaimed baggage store (a place that sells off unclaimed airline baggage). I got it pretty cheap at $25.
I’m interested in knowing how old the cue us and possibly who made it. There are no maker markings on it and it looks like it might possibly be a custom job. The stitch leather wrap is interesting to me. Pics below. Does anyone have any idea who the maker might be or how old this cue is?
I love how it shoots, so just interested in its origins.
ID Old 2-Piece Cue with Brass Joint
Replies & Comments
Chopdoc on 6/4/2018 8:55:35 AM
Looks like a Schmelke model A30. This is their 1970 catalog, but the cue is likely newer than that I think.
Jonathan Lane on 6/4/2018 7:47:20 PM
Thanks! I’ve emailed Schmeke to find out more about it.
billiardsforum on 6/4/2018 7:51:12 PM
Great. Let us know what, if anything you find out!
ID Old 2-Piece Cue with Brass Joint
- Title: ID Old 2-Piece Cue with Brass Joint
- Author: Jonathan Lane
- Published: 6/3/2018 7:56:02 PM
- Last Updated: 6/4/2018 5:18:35 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)