Choosing a Break Cue in the $200-$300 Range
1/10/2019 11:40:07 AM
Choosing a Break Cue in the $200-$300 Range
I'm looking for a new break cue, weighing anywhere from 25oz to 27oz and in the price range of $200 to $350. I am looking for one that is made by a reputable manufacturer.
PS: I have a dealer locally that can get me a stick for around two thirds of the MSRP.
Choosing a Break Cue in the $200-$300 Range
Choosing a Break Cue in the $200-$300 Range
- Title: Choosing a Break Cue in the $200-$300 Range
- Author: Stewart Poulnott
- Published: 1/10/2019 11:40:07 AM
- Last Updated: 1/10/2019 2:06:46 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)