Model of a Black and White Meucci Chain-Link Cue
12/7/2019 8:16:47 PM
Model of a Black and White Meucci Chain-Link Cue
Can someone identify this Meucci Cue?
The butt sleeve is all black with white chain-link rings, and the forearm has 4 points.
I'm also looking for it's value.
Model of a Black and White Meucci Chain-Link Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/8/2020 4:37:44 AM
It is either a Meucci M6 cue, a Meucci 95-11 cue, or a Meucci HOF-1 cue.
They are near identical models. Meucci just carried over the design through various series over the years as it was a big selling design.
Only difference is when it was ordered new.
Value wise, they all carry the same value more or less, given that all else is equal.
You can still buy these new (as the Meucci HOF-1 model). Retail price brand new is $512.
A used one is worth about half that (perfect condition) or less if it is in less-than-perfect condition.
Meucci M-6 (1992-ish)
Meucci 95-11 (1995-ish)
Meucci HOF-1 (1997-ish, still selling on in 2008 online catalog)
Even though the forearms look different, it's just the photos. They are the same.
See also the following questions asking about the same cue. You'll find some additional detail there.
Model of a Black and White Meucci Chain-Link Cue
- Title: Model of a Black and White Meucci Chain-Link Cue
- Author: Heather Strange
- Published: 12/7/2019 8:16:47 PM
- Last Updated: 1/8/2020 4:21:10 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)