Find a Pool Cue Maker and Model
3/8/2021 11:02:41 AM
Find a Pool Cue Maker and Model
I need help to find a pool cue's maker and model name.
There's no signature on the cue. It's a custom cue with silver nickel rings, 1.5 inch delrin butt cap, and real maple windows surrounded by darker hardwood.
It appears to be a 4 point cue, and hand spliced. It originally had a white with light blue spec Irish linen wrap before someone took a pen to it.
The ferrule is ivory and I am not sure what joint is made out of.
It had a barely-legible price tag sticker with $129.95 on it.
Any thoughts on the cue maker or manufacturer of this pool cue?
Find a Pool Cue Maker and Model
Find a Pool Cue Maker and Model
- Title: Find a Pool Cue Maker and Model
- Author: Mr.Mako (Kevin Karaffa)
- Published: 3/8/2021 11:02:41 AM
- Last Updated: 3/9/2021 2:45:49 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)