Medici Cues
- Manufacturer or Brand Owner: Meucci
- Brand Name: Medici
- Brand Long Name: Medici Cues
- Medici Cues Production Date(s): Medici Cues were produced from around 2007-09-01 to 2010-01-01. (More specific production dates may be available within each Medici series, Medici product line, or individual Medici cue below.)
Archive of Medici Cues
Below is an archive of Medici cues. You'll find retired Medici cues as well as current Medici cue series, and one-off custom Medici Cues.
Medici Color Series Cues
- Medici Color 01 Red Pool Cue
- Medici Color 02 Blue Pool Cue
- Medici Color 03 Purple Pool Cue
- Medici Color 04 White Pool Cue
- Medici Color 05 Green Pool Cue

Medici Series Cues
- Medici-1 Orange Prototype Pool Cue
- Medici-1 Prototype Pool Cue
- Medici-1 Pool Cue
- Medici-2 Pool Cue
- Medici-3 Pool Cue
- Medici-4 Factory 2nd Pool Cue
- Medici-4 Pool Cue
- Medici-5 Pool Cue
- Medici-6 Pool Cue

Medici Cues Logos
Medici Cues Logos. Past and current Medici Cues logos, marks, symbols, and identifiers.

A logo from Medici Cues brand pool cues. This Medici Cues logo is found on all of the cues under the Medici pool cue brand.

The main Medici Cues logo found on all Medici brand pool cues.
Medici Cues Pictures
Medici Cues pictures and photos.
Medici Cues Info
Info on the Medici Cues
Medici Cues are an import line of cues spawned out of Bob Meucci's Byhalia, MS company, and produced overseas in China. They Medici Line is a cheaper line than the Meucci lines as they are made outside of the United States with lower quality woods and inlay material.
According to a Meucci announcement on in Feb 15, 2007, Medici Pool Cues were to debut in April 15, 007. However, delays in manufacturing and quality control caused the expected release date to be pushed out to May 15. Further delays pushed this date again, bumping it into June 15. The June release date was still not achieved due to additional delays. Medici Pool Cues finally debuted in September, 2007.
In several pieces of Meucci literature and marketing materials, Meucci claimed that Medici Pool Cues were 80% manufactured offshore.
Medici cues are 80% manufactured [...] offshore [...] and fine tuned at [...] Meucci
This implies that the remaining 20% of manufacturing (e.g. the assembly, "tweaking", and "fine-tuning") was being done onshore at the Meucci factory in Byhalia, MS. However, the reality was that Medici Pool Cues were fully completed in China. The Medici cues were 100% produced in China, not 80% and "tweaked at the Meucci factory" as claimed in the Meucci literature.
Bob had tried this low-cost "sister brand" strategy once before with his Meucci Maximum Cue brand which was in production from 1995 to 1998 inclusive. This brand, however, were produced in Meucci's Olive Branch manufacturing facility and not overseas.
Info on the Medici Cues from an Isak Billiard Medici Brochure
Medici Cues. A new ultimate weapon from Meucci! Manufactured offshore, fine tuned at the new Meucci factory in Byhalia.
Info on the Medici Cues from Craig Rittel (of Full Splice Billiards)
When the Medici series came out the prices from Meucci were very good so I ordered a number of these cues along with another Meucci order. When the cues arrived I returned every one of the Medici Cues that were ordered because the quality was so bad I could not have sold them even at a discount.
Around a year later I placed another order because I had been assured that the quality had improved, however the next group that came in were no better than the first group I ordered.
Info on the Medici Cues from John Barton over at AZB
The Medici line was conceived by Bob Meucci and a distributor for the sole reason of being able to bring in a lower cost cue under the Meucci stable. The same font was used on purpose to be the tie in. The quality of the cues produced were better than Meucci's USA made production cues.
It just so happens that I was present during the time when Bob came to China and the Medici/Meucci connection was born. As I stated my assistant was lent to Bob for the time he was here to do the translations. I coached my assistant for several days helping him to learn all about Meucci and cues in general so as to be able to understand Bob if technical terms were used.
The Medici line was discontinued because the parties involved could not agree on the financials.
The distributor was quite happy to continue the Medici line as the quality was much better than the Meucci cues which they get from Meucci but as I said the parties involved in this three way weren't all getting the same satisfaction.
Kao Kao spent a lot of money and effort to please Bob Meucci. And they were successful in making a cue that Bob accepted and more importantly that his last remaining major outlet had accepted. The quality of the cues produced by Kao Kao, including the Meucci/Medici ones they did, is superb.
I am certain that I handled more of these cues throughout the development of them than anyone outside the factory.
The cues were built in a factory which has a less than 3% defect rate for all cues that they build. This factory is state of the art and has millions of pieces of wood stored, cut and graded just like the best cue makers do it. All of the shafts are hung just like you find in the cue shops of the best small cue makers. The fit and finish of the "Medici" branded cues made here in China that I have seen was, in my opinion, better than the fit and finish of CURRENTLY USA made Meucci cues that I have seen. Initially they did have some problems with some of the inlay designs that Meucci created - however on side by side comparison the cues were overall better than Meucci cues made in the USA. Quality of the cues was 100% not the issue here. Just money.
I guarantee you if the money was right and in Bob's favor then the Medici line would continue to be made.
Info on the Medici Cues from Meucci
For your economic benefit, Medici cues are 80% manufactured by a premier offshore manufacturer and then fine tuned at the new Meucci factory in Byhalia, MS prior to shipping.
Info on the Medici Cues from a Announcement 2007-02-15
Breaking News! Coming April 15. A New Import Brand Designed & Engineered by Bob Meucci for Beauty & Performance. Built 80% Offshore & Tweaked by Meucci USA.
Info on the Medici Cues from Bob Meucci (via an AZB Post)
In the interest of full disclosure, in 2006, we had a line of 6 cues designed by me and 80% manufactured in China, and we ferruled, tipped, and reshaped and finished the shafts here in our Byhalia plant. This was the Medici line of cues, and it was clearly advertised as 80% made in China, and 20% finished in our plant. 100 cues of each model were sold under the Medici label, and the decision was made to cancel the line due to inconsistencies in quality.
Other brands by this same manufacturer include:
Medici Cues are connected with these businesses:
Forum questions and answers about Medici Cues:
- Title: Medici Cues
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 5/23/2017 6:38:52 PM
- Last Updated: 8/23/2018 5:04:52 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
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