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Meucci Cue Identification (Early 90's)

Meucci Cue Identification (Early 90's)

Can anyone help with any assistance in identifying the model of this Meucci cue?

I've heard that it is a 1991 Meucci "Cue of the month #2", but I can't find any info on that.

Thank you!


Meucci Cue Identification (Early 90's)

Replies & Comments

  1. user1709969272billiardsforum on 3/9/2024 8:31:55 AM

    You are correct, it is a Meucci CM-2 pool cue from the Meucci "Cue of the Month" series from 1991. The 2nd model was the August 1991 cue of the month.

    The "Cue of the Month" series was a four-cue series:

    • CM-1 - July 1991
    • CM-2 - August 1991
    • CM-3 - September 1991
    • CM-4 - October 1991

    A quantity of 750 were to be made. It is unclear whether or not all 750 were actually made and sold. If you look under the rubber bumper, you'll see two numbers:

    1. M/YY - the month/year
    2. NNN/750 - the serial number


    I've seen them for sale for between $350 and $600. The actual value is probably somewhere in the middle, depending on condition and how many matching shafts it has.

  2. user1709969272user1709969272 on 3/9/2024 12:25:31 PM

    Thank you so much for the great information!

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Meucci Cue Identification (Early 90's)

  • Title: Meucci Cue Identification (Early 90's)
  • Author: (Dan Gates)
  • Published: 3/9/2024 2:27:53 AM
  • Last Updated: 3/9/2024 8:25:16 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)