Value of an Abe Rich Sneaky Pete from the Late 1980s
11/30/2020 11:16:37 AM
Value of an Abe Rich Sneaky Pete from the Late 1980s
How much is an Abe Rich sneaky pete cue worth?
I purchased mine back in the late 1980's.
It has a very unusual all-wood joint and screw.
Any idea what it might be worth?
Value of an Abe Rich Sneaky Pete from the Late 1980s
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 12/1/2020 8:08:10 AM
Not without seeing clear, detailed photos of the Abe Rich sneaky Pete cue.
We need to assess it's condition, it's build quality, uniqueness, and possibly the model and/or series it is from. All of these things factor in to the value.
Post a few clear and detailed photos, including close-up photos of the joint insert and pin.
We'll go from there.
Type79 on 12/1/2020 4:14:21 PM
You should contact Fred Agnir and Beau Kron, both who are recognized as two of the most knowledgeable people on Abe Rich and the cues he produced. Some years back, Fred authored an article in one of the major pool magazines on Abe Rich.
Another source of information would be his nephew Howard Rich who sells NOS Abe Rich cues on eBay under the username
.All three are on Facebook and AZ Billiards.
Regarding your particular cue, it has been reported that Abe made few four point cues, so if you can authenticate it, it would be a rare cue. Whether rare translates into valuable is another story. Abe Rich cues generally trade hands for a few hundred dollars.
Value of an Abe Rich Sneaky Pete from the Late 1980s
- Title: Value of an Abe Rich Sneaky Pete from the Late 1980s
- Author: Thomas Wright
- Published: 11/30/2020 11:16:37 AM
- Last Updated: 12/1/2020 8:05:41 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)