Double Tapered Shafts
5/9/2019 10:41:38 PM
Double Tapered Shafts
I've been really interested in finding out more information about double tapered pool cue shafts.
Hardly any information exists online about them and no commercial cue makers seem to have them. Maybe only custom "at home" cue makers can make them anymore?
My good friend has his father/grandfather's old Viking cue (from the 1960's - 1970's era I'm guessing) and the shaft is literally a double tapered shaft and it's AWESOME to shoot with, insanely unique. It gets very narrow and then thickens out again a few inches from the ferrule. I'll be seeing my friend back home in Wisconsin soon, so I can upload pics of it in a week or so.
Are these double tapered pool cue shafts extremely rare, and/or valuable, and/or a thing of the past?
Any information anyone has about them would be appreciated.
Double Tapered Shafts
Replies & Comments
Chopdoc on 5/10/2019 5:29:16 AM
The shaft was over-sanded by the user. Abused. Damaged. We call it "hour glassed".
This is not supposition, it is certain.
Charmzdub on 5/10/2019 11:51:04 PM
Thanks for your response! I'm very interested to hear this.
I'm just curious though because I read online that double tapered shafts are certainly a "type" of shaft.
What I'm simply and only slightly quarreling about in regard to your response is that a double-tapered cue shaft is relatively beneficial and certainly usable, just reasonably unheard of and very uncommon.
Thinking about the last time I used that cue I feel like indeed there was hardly any lacquer whatsoever near that area which definitely explains why you suggested that it was heavily sanded.
When anyone who reads this gets a quick chance can you follow this link to this web page and read what they say about the third type of shaft, "double tapered" shafts and comment on this post? On this site they obviously speak of such taper as if it's still in style or popular amongst billiard players to this day.
Shaft Tapers - The Pool Cue Taper And You
By Matt Sherman, updated March 08, 2017
... a third type of shaft has a "double" taper. These shafts narrow at first, starting a few inches behind the tip, then widen again, making the shaft thinnest near its middle.
The expert, who often uses a double taper, has the touch required for the most demanding shots. A light, thin shaft is helpful for delicate moves through the stroke. The actual weight of the shaft is changed.
The additional lathe work needed for a second taper may raise a cue's price. Novices should have no concerns about this type of ​shaft, if they choose to spend the extra money to buy one.
Chopdoc on 5/11/2019 6:34:50 AM
You can read a lot of things online.
This is a common problem found in older cues. That's why you find hardly any information on it. The information you do find is spurious.
Lacquer? On a shaft? Only on cheap cues, not worth even trying to play with.
My friend there should be zero lacquer on the stroking area of a pool cue shaft. They are sealed, but not finished.
You say it is a Viking. I have a number of Viking cues in my collection going back to 1966 and have not seen such a taper on one. None of them have a finish on the shaft except near the joint either.
Charmzdub on 5/11/2019 10:00:41 AM
Thanks for clearing this up for me. I understand now.
To me it seemed like a lacquer, however the proper word, as you said, would simply be "sealed?"
My old Brunswick cue has like a "glisten" to it's shine on the shaft, as if it has a "lacquer" cured to it, however I must be incorrect about what word I'm using to describe it.
Chopdoc on 5/12/2019 4:42:21 AM
The old Brunswick you posted is an example of an inexpensive cue that does in fact have a finish on the shaft. It wasn't actually made by Brunswick, it was branded by Brunswick. Whether the finish is actually a lacquer would be debatable I think, but many people use that term generically.
The Viking you mention would be a much better cue. I would love to see pics of that.
Charmzdub on 5/12/2019 12:23:42 PM
I see, thanks for your information on these topics @Chopdoc, I've learned a lot!
Anyway, I will definitely post a few pics of the old viking as soon as I see my friend; Probably by the end of this week.
billiardsforum on 5/13/2019 3:38:50 PM
The author of that article, Matt Sherman, is well known in the industry. He's been writing for over 15 years on a wide range of cue sports topics, both online and for print publications (InsidePool Magazine, etc).
His articles used to be well supported with source references, but this one on shaft taper doesn't seem to have any.
I've emailed him to ask if could point to any manufacturer references (or other references) to support that part of his article.
Will share the details here when I hear back.
billiardsforum on 5/14/2019 1:53:19 PM
From the author of the article:
I used to sell pool cues, repping for a cue company. Double tapers were offered years ago or could be custom ordered.
Chopdoc on 6/4/2019 6:23:58 PM
In the early 20th century there were bell shaped, flared, ferrules. I think there was a patent on it. It never took off.
Certainly many things could be custom ordered or custom made, but I have never seen any source specifying such a shaft taper being available, neither from the catalogs of the major producers nor in the materials of the custom makers.
The widest variety of tapers I am aware of available from a maker was and is Schuler, and I am unaware of any such taper having been available from Schuler.
I will be interested in how Sherman responds.
There are many types of taper variously described that might be "mistaken" for such a taper based solely on the term. These would be various varieties of compound tapers. To me, a "double taper" would be a compound taper, not one that is narrower in the middle.
It's interesting that he notes "The expert, who often uses a double taper". What expert? Often? If it is often then how is it that in the numerous discussions of the cues the great players have used it is not mentioned at all, as far as I know? Many of these cues are known, and in the hands of collectors. I have a pool cue made by a world champion. I would call him an expert. It does not have such a taper.
Again, I will be very interested in how he responds. I could always be wrong and would love to know about this if I am wrong.
billiardsforum on 6/4/2019 7:17:50 PM
His one line reply to my email is directly above your last reply...
He didn't provide any verifiable reference material.
Charmzdub on 6/4/2019 8:48:40 PM
Thanks for the information everyone.
I have some pictures of the cue, it was not as pronounced as I remember but still definitely tapered in a unique way.
Unfortunately, the Viking cue is most likely from the later 70's- mid 80's after seeing it again, sorry to disappoint.
billiardsforum on 6/5/2019 1:17:59 AM
Not disappointed at all. You started an interesting discussion!
I can definitely see the taper you are talking about. Gets the smallest somewhere ~3/5 of the way up the shaft, then begins increasing from there up to the ferrule.
Chopdoc on 7/1/2019 3:04:50 PM
Why do you think it is later 70's- mid 80's ?
The printing in the window dates it earlier than that. Early 70's I believe.
I have had several trashed shafts like that. Sanded by previous owners, often with w 3M abrasive pad.
It's just a damaged shaft.
Show it to any competent/experienced cue maker and they will tell the same thing.
Double Tapered Shafts
- Title: Double Tapered Shafts
- Author: Charmzdub
- Published: 5/9/2019 10:41:38 PM
- Last Updated: 5/13/2019 3:03:07 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)