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Joss Pool Cue Model, Year, and Value

Joss Pool Cue Model, Year, and Value

l recently came into this Joss cue. It has the Joss logo on the black joint collar in white, but has no other identifying marks on it.

Can you tell me about this Joss cue and how much it's worth?



Joss Pool Cue Model, Year, and Value

Replies & Comments

  1. jimroarbilliardsforum on 1/15/2022 8:10:32 AM

    It appears to be a standard production model Joss #1 cue from the 1980s.

    It was in a few different series, and is the lowest-priced entry-level model in most.

    MSRP would have been around $280. Probably worth around that, give or take, depending on it's overall condition.


  2. jimroarjimroar on 1/15/2022 6:28:15 PM

    Thank you very much for getting back to me on the Joss Cue ID.

    Until next time, take care.

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Joss Pool Cue Model, Year, and Value

  • Title: Joss Pool Cue Model, Year, and Value
  • Author: (Jim Roar)
  • Published: 1/10/2022 12:14:31 PM
  • Last Updated: 1/15/2022 7:16:50 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)