Identify Pool Cue with Letters "YBC" and a Kangaroo Logo
11/29/2020 10:37:23 PM
Identify Pool Cue with Letters "YBC" and a Kangaroo Logo
I need to identify the brand of this pool cue.
Below is the pool cue logo with a kangaroo and letters "YBC".
Identify Pool Cue with Letters "YBC" and a Kangaroo Logo
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 12/1/2020 9:17:54 AM
The build quality appears to be very low.
The block ring on the butt appears to be just painted on.
The brand doesn't ring a bell.
Identify Pool Cue with Letters "YBC" and a Kangaroo Logo
- Title: Identify Pool Cue with Letters "YBC" and a Kangaroo Logo
- Author: user1606689443
- Published: 11/29/2020 10:37:23 PM
- Last Updated: 12/1/2020 9:14:03 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)