ID Meucci Cue with Shaft Signed by Robert J. Meucci
2/17/2020 10:02:08 AM
ID Meucci Cue with Shaft Signed by Robert J. Meucci
I am trying to identify the model of this Meucci cue, and also find the value of it today.
The shaft has the signature "Robert J. Meucci".
This is one of three of my uncle's late dad's pool sticks, and we can’t seem to find the exact ones online anywhere!
ID Meucci Cue with Shaft Signed by Robert J. Meucci
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/18/2020 3:42:51 PM
This is a Meucci OL-2 cue (A.K.A. Meucci Oldie-2 cue) from the Meucci Oldies series circa 1993-1995.
Some folks call this cue the Meucci "Airplane" cue (the inlay resembles an airplane propeller).
It's MSRP at that time was $425.
Today it might be worth around $250 to $300 in perfect condition. Best way to sell it is to post it to the Meucci Collector's Facebook groups. It's not collectible in any way, but Meucci has a following and demand remains strong for this cue.
If that fails to get you a decent offer, go to eBay, starting bid of $5.
ID Meucci Cue with Shaft Signed by Robert J. Meucci
- Title: ID Meucci Cue with Shaft Signed by Robert J. Meucci
- Author: user1581962527
- Published: 2/17/2020 10:02:08 AM
- Last Updated: 2/18/2020 2:32:23 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)