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ID and Value of a 1980s Mali Cue

ID and Value of a 1980s Mali Cue

Any idea on the value and ID of this Mali pool cue?

It was bought from the Mali cue factory in Southfield, MA in the 1980s.


ID and Value of a 1980s Mali Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. Jhurley117billiardsforum on 3/1/2025 7:02:10 AM

    It looks like a Mali T-10 cue from the Mali Trophy series.

    They don't command a lot in the market. I would value it at somewhere between $150 and $250 give or take, depending on overall condition.

    Mali T-10 Pool Cue

    Rosewood four-prong combined with Natural Birdseye Maple. Flat face decorated joint with 3/8 X 10 pin into threaded shaft. Green-fleck-on-white IRISH LINEN wrap.

    Here's an image from a 1986 Mali Trophy series brochure:


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ID and Value of a 1980s Mali Cue

  • Title: ID and Value of a 1980s Mali Cue
  • Author: (James Hurley)
  • Published: 10/16/2024 1:55:27 PM
  • Last Updated: 2/28/2025 7:57:06 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)