Id an Unmarked 4-Point Cue with MOP Inlays
5/15/2019 12:16:07 PM
Id an Unmarked 4-Point Cue with MOP Inlays
I am trying to ID this unmarked 4-point cue with MOP inlays.
It came with an Abe Rich window cue and is just shy of 57" in length.
Any ideas on the ID and value of this cue?
Id an Unmarked 4-Point Cue with MOP Inlays
Replies & Comments
Chopdoc on 5/16/2019 5:10:11 AM
It's a Dufferin cue.
Can we see pics of the Abe cue?
optimusprimerib on 5/16/2019 12:29:22 PM
@Chopdoc - You bet!
Id an Unmarked 4-Point Cue with MOP Inlays
- Title: Id an Unmarked 4-Point Cue with MOP Inlays
- Author: optimusprimerib
- Published: 5/15/2019 12:16:07 PM
- Last Updated: 5/21/2019 5:26:56 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)