What is the Best Pool Cue Under $200?
5/22/2013 1:07:05 PM
What is the Best Pool Cue Under $200?
I am taking up pool and have the following questions about pool cues:
- How many ounces is considered a heavy cue stick? 18oz, 19oz, more?
- I want to spend $150 on my cue but I can't seem to find a solid silver colored cue. Does any one know where I can find one like that? My other option is solid white with silver accents. Advice anyone?
- What is the best wood or other materials (e.g. graphite cues, carbon fiber cues) to look for in a pool cue that will last? Who manufactures the best made cue sticks? Please list names (if possible).
- Can I get a very good cue at my price point and from whom?
- Are there waterproof pool cue cases available, and if so who makes the best ones?
What is the Best Pool Cue Under $200?
Replies & Comments
tasha_silvester on 6/3/2013 2:47:45 AM
21 oz is the highest weight of a particular cue stick.
You can check online for the solid silver colored cue sticks for the range under $150.
Some production cue companies which provide the best pool cues are:
- McDermott
- Action
- Athena
- Meucci
- Mezz
silversurfer on 6/3/2013 11:35:00 AM
Thank you for responding to me. Since posting, I have become more interested in Meucci cues. So now armed with your input I guess I'm ready to buy my cue.
Hopefully I can find a solid silver Meucci pool cue.
Zeke on 6/4/2013 3:45:06 PM
Most of the pros play 18/19 oz.
Some of these new inexpensive, digital, postage scales are extremely accurate. Every stick in my room is over or under the stamped weight by half an ounce. Some, a whole ounce off!
Lots of good choices in regard to
Once you start with inlays, fancy joints, special tips, leather instead of pleather cases, etc. - you can get to 150 very quickly :)
What is the Best Pool Cue Under $200?
- Title: What is the Best Pool Cue Under $200?
- Author: silversurfer (Tod Greene)
- Published: 5/22/2013 1:07:05 PM
- Last Updated: 11/21/2016 9:14:46 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)