Should I Buy Another Playing Cue or a Jump-Break Cue?
5/1/2018 11:28:40 AM
Should I Buy Another Playing Cue or a Jump-Break Cue?
Should I buy a break and jump cue or should I buy another playing cue?
The thing is, I don't have a problem breaking and I don't mind breaking with the house cue. I am not that "jumper" type of pool player either.
I currently own a Fury DL-10 with a Kamui Tip.
Would love to hear your opinions!
Should I Buy Another Playing Cue or a Jump-Break Cue?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 5/1/2018 6:00:41 PM
You have just explained that you don't have any problems breaking with the cues currently available, and that you already own a Fury DL-10 playing cue.
Can you clarify what exactly you are asking? I don't see any answerable questions in your post.
If you are wondering whether buying your own dedicated jump-break cue will help improve your break shots, the answer is no, probably not.
Unless you are a collector, then just buying a cue for no specific reason seems silly to me, but that's a personal preference. If you want one and you have the cash, buy one.
andrewchrstn on 5/1/2018 11:45:41 PM
The question is whether I should buy a jumpbreak cue or buy another playing cue.
Has anyone tried to play with the Players HXT C13 pool cue?
Should I Buy Another Playing Cue or a Jump-Break Cue?
- Title: Should I Buy Another Playing Cue or a Jump-Break Cue?
- Author: andrewchrstn (Andrew Christian)
- Published: 5/1/2018 11:28:40 AM
- Last Updated: 5/1/2018 6:02:42 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)