Value of a Pechauer Pool Cue
4/19/2021 11:09:32 PM
Value of a Pechauer Pool Cue
I'm wondering how much J. Pechauer cue is worth.
The Pechauer pool cue has a predator shaft, and is signed "J. Pechauer" on the forearm.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Value of a Pechauer Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/27/2021 3:34:57 AM
It looks to be a Pechauer P23 cue from the 1995-1097 Pechauer Professional Series.
It's MSRP at the time was $900.
It is probably worth somewhere less than this today, depending on it's condition.
Value of a Pechauer Pool Cue
- Title: Value of a Pechauer Pool Cue
- Author: user1618898898
- Published: 4/19/2021 11:09:32 PM
- Last Updated: 4/20/2021 4:08:43 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)