Palmer Second Catalog Model A Cues
5/20/2019 7:09:45 AM
Palmer Second Catalog Model A Cues
A group of Palmer Model A cues from the 2nd catalog.
This model was made in a variety of colors and wrapped in nylon or linen. All are in original condition except for the black and silver cue on the left and the red cue second from the right.
Palmer Second Catalog Model A Cues
Replies & Comments
Chopdoc on 5/21/2019 8:59:27 AM
Very cool! Thanks!
I always dig seeing your cues.
Type79 on 5/21/2019 10:57:41 AM
Thanks Doc. I consider that quite a compliment coming from you. I enjoy your posts as well.
This is an old picture. Since this time, I acquired another NOS Model A with gold/black rings. The aqua cue with the oval label is more or less NOS as well. I also have a second Palmer with the oval label, a Model F which also appears that it got little or no use.
Chopdoc on 5/21/2019 1:15:31 PM
Original labels, especially unusual types, are really cool. That era is so exciting to me both with Palmer and otherwise. Lots of cool designs and materials, lots of great makers. The Palmers are definitely iconic.
Do you have any of the Palmer Brunswick printed foil examples? I am guessing you might.
Type79 on 5/21/2019 1:43:15 PM
Yes I do. In fact I just picked-up another which I sent off to be refinished. Here a shot of the ones I had a few years ago. I've since found another Brunswick Original and another Brunswick Custom. Palmer made three different models of these cues: the Brunswick Custom which was basically a Model B, the Brunswick Original which was basically a Model E made using a Titlist, and the Lord Brunswick which didn't have any similar catalog Palmer counterpart. The forearms are or resemble Szamboti forearms.
billiardsforum on 5/21/2019 3:00:21 PM
Some great cues you have there. Thanks for sharing these.
Chopdoc on 5/21/2019 3:58:28 PM
All very cool but the Lord Brunswick cues are certainly especially stunning.
Thanks for showing them!
Palmer Second Catalog Model A Cues
- Title: Palmer Second Catalog Model A Cues
- Author: Type79 (Jay Fishbein)
- Published: 5/20/2019 7:09:45 AM
- Last Updated: 5/22/2019 3:08:41 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)