Unknown Cue Id, Being Sold as a Palmer, Possible Balabushka
11/22/2019 2:11:41 AM
Unknown Cue Id, Being Sold as a Palmer, Possible Balabushka
Anyone know what this cue is?
It is being sold as a Palmer cue.
The cue is unmarked but it feels better than anything I have ever hit with before.
Unknown Cue Id, Being Sold as a Palmer, Possible Balabushka
Replies & Comments
Type79 on 11/22/2019 7:52:42 AM
It's certainly not a Palmer cue as the seller has speculated in his listing.
sergio8ball on 11/22/2019 12:55:43 PM
BalabusHka had a cue with the same exact design.
The butt looks similar, but it could be a Balabushka replica cue. You never know
Here is pic of an original Balabushka cue with the same design:
camstahl162 on 11/22/2019 1:24:57 PM
Wow! That was what I was thinking! Thanks for the photo, it makes me optimistic.
I bought the cue for 400$ from a friend, but I was regretting buying the cue for a minute, but I guess its a good thing. It sure feels legitimate.
Whoever owned the cue prior took amazing care of it. I am guessing they knew what it was. Replica or not, it is the nicest cue I've ever seen.
Thanks for your help!
sergio8ball on 11/22/2019 1:37:06 PM
It’s a very nice looking cue.
billiardsforum on 11/25/2019 1:40:32 PM
You mentioned that you bought the cue from your friend.
Based on that I assume you can ask your friend about where, or under what circumstances, he or she acquired the cue.
The more information on provenance you can provide the better.
Unknown Cue Id, Being Sold as a Palmer, Possible Balabushka
- Title: Unknown Cue Id, Being Sold as a Palmer, Possible Balabushka
- Author: camstahl162
- Published: 11/22/2019 2:11:41 AM
- Last Updated: 11/25/2019 1:10:23 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)