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Random Pool Cue Collection Pic

Random Pool Cue Collection Pic


  1. McDermott D-2
  2. McDermott D-3
  3. JOSS Cocobolo J3300 Crystal Leisure
  4. JOSS Cocobolo M-005 Omega Billiard Supply
  5. JOSS (my right arm)
  6. Meucci Original 84-4 (needs to be refinished)
  7. Viking (believed to be from early to mid seventies)
  8. Adam J/R-10
  9. Audrick (actually a great cue)
  10. Auerbach purple heart conversion

Random Pool Cue Collection Pic

Replies & Comments

  1. Chopdocbilliardsforum on 7/5/2018 7:12:18 AM

    Man these are some awesome cues. You have one heck of a collection.

    Scott Erwin would be my recommendation for a re-finish on the Meucci 84-4. You can see lots of his work in the Meucci Collectors Facebook group.

  2. ChopdocChopdoc on 7/5/2018 7:59:35 AM

    Thank you.

    Yes, I know his work. That cue has been sitting in my collection for 11 years needing a refinish. It's the only Meucci I own. I may just get rid of it as is. I have little to no interest in Meucci, except for the very early cues when he worked for Huebler.

    I have a number of other projects and may be sending Scott some work soon.

    The Joss M-005 is no longer mine. I gave it away to my "protégé", a young man that I taught to play. I gave him a break cue and case as well. He is now playing leagues, doing well.

    I sold the Auerbach cue. The McDemott D-3 also got sold.

  3. Chopdocuser1555692963 on 4/19/2019 9:56:03 AM

    I have a joss M-005 don’t know the value

  4. ChopdocChopdoc on 4/19/2019 7:09:20 PM

    It's worth $200 to $250 in nice condition.

  5. Chopdocuser1555692963 on 4/20/2019 5:29:38 AM

    Thank you. It's in great shape.

    I paid $250 for it. I just don’t like the size of the shaft.

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Random Pool Cue Collection Pic

  • Title: Random Pool Cue Collection Pic
  • Author: (Fernando Chaves)
  • Published: 7/4/2018 7:58:43 PM
  • Last Updated: 7/9/2018 9:38:44 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)