Vintage Cue Stick Identification
6/13/2017 5:55:33 PM
Vintage Cue Stick Identification
Can you help me identify this pool cue?
It is similar in style to the ones posted in Vintage Pool Cue - Help Identify.
Vintage Cue Stick Identification
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 6/13/2017 6:14:55 PM
You are going to need to do better than this to get any decent help. At the very least, you'll need more and better pictures to start with.
Also, provide the following details, as well as any others that seem useful or important to identify the pool cue:
- What does the sticker say?
- Are there any markings, names, images, symbols on the pool cue?
- What type of joint does it have?
- What are the general specs of the pool cue such as length, weight, materials?
- Where did you get it, how long have you had it, etc.
Vintage Cue Stick Identification
- Title: Vintage Cue Stick Identification
- Author: user1497390931
- Published: 6/13/2017 5:55:33 PM
- Last Updated: 6/13/2017 6:10:16 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)