BHQ Jump Break Conversion Cue
2/26/2007 7:24:27 AM
BHQ Jump Break Conversion Cue
I put this BHQ jump-break cue on the AZB test area late yesterday. Before I had the chance to post it in the "cues for sale" area here, I had several people inquire about it. This cue was intended to be for @stormrod, but he wanted the cue to weigh in at 25oz. The most I could get this cue to weigh was about 21.50 oz, so, I sold it to someone else and I will try again on the 25 ouncer.
I have to tell you that I break like a sissy, but I was hitting the rack like I never have before with this cue. I could also jump from a half-ball distance from the object ball very easily.
It is the combination of the purpleheart shaft and the phenolic inserts at each joint make this cue a BEAST.
It sold for $200 shipped, and as usual, my pictures suck. The cue is actually much darker than it appears. It is closest to the color of the last picture.
BHQ Jump Break Conversion Cue
Replies & Comments
djkx1 on 2/26/2007 8:53:49 AM
WOW Brent. That is one sweet looking J/B cue! I don't doubt it will hit like a Mack truck. Very nice job.
BHQ Jump Break Conversion Cue
- Title: BHQ Jump Break Conversion Cue
- Author: BHQ (Brent Hartman)
- Published: 2/26/2007 7:24:27 AM