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Identify Brunswick Letter "B" Logo Pool Cue

Identify Brunswick Letter "B" Logo Pool Cue

Can someone help me identify this Brunswick pool cue?

It has the antique Brunswick letter "B" logo at the bottom.

IMG_20210815_230555.jpg IMG_20210816_001557.jpg

IMG_20210815_231641.jpg IMG_20210815_230517.jpg

IMG_20210815_230540.jpg IMG_20210815_230555.jpg

Identify Brunswick Letter "B" Logo Pool Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. user1629094781billiardsforum on 8/26/2021 4:31:09 AM

    We'll need to see clear photos of the entire Brunswick cue in order to ID the model name.

    There are a number of models it could be based on what can be seen.

    It's likely from the 1970s.

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Identify Brunswick Letter "B" Logo Pool Cue

  • Title: Identify Brunswick Letter "B" Logo Pool Cue
  • Author: (Gordon Wilson)
  • Published: 8/15/2021 11:54:16 PM
  • Last Updated: 8/26/2021 4:20:15 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)