ID "Fair" Brand Pool Cue with "Fair" Logo
1/26/2023 11:43:30 AM
ID "Fair" Brand Pool Cue with "Fair" Logo
I need help finding information on this pool cue. Does anyone know any information about "Fair" brand pool cue?
The logo has the word "Fair" with a pool cue and cue ball as the letter "i".
I cant identify it, or find any information online.
ID "Fair" Brand Pool Cue with "Fair" Logo
Replies & Comments
BallBuster on 1/28/2023 4:40:41 PM
What good does a logo do when you can't even make out what it says?
billiardsforum on 2/5/2023 3:53:09 PM
It's an inexpensive imported cue, made in Taiwan.
It's value would be next-to-nothing to any casual-to-serious pool player and has no collectible value. It might be worth $10 - $20 on eBay or at a yard sale.
There's one on eBay right now with a $43 USD "buy it now" price, but it won't sell for that much. It's already been relisted a bunch of times. That one is a design knock-off of the Meucci "European Series" cue design.
ID "Fair" Brand Pool Cue with "Fair" Logo
- Title: ID "Fair" Brand Pool Cue with "Fair" Logo
- Author: user1674751217 (Ryan Rasmussen)
- Published: 1/26/2023 11:43:30 AM
- Last Updated: 2/5/2023 3:56:12 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)