Help Identify Pool Cue With No Markings?
9/2/2017 9:18:54 PM
Help Identify Pool Cue With No Markings?
Please help me to identify this pool cue with no markings.
Help Identify Pool Cue With No Markings?
Replies & Comments
Mark Bellamy on 9/6/2017 12:03:37 AM
What would you take for it?
user1504401533 on 9/7/2017 12:59:58 AM
Do know what brand it is? I've looked everywhere and cant find anything about this pool cue?
Mark Bellamy on 9/7/2017 5:55:04 PM
No idea what brand. I do have a cue stick with a similar joint. But the center of the joint is off-white. The cue I have is really rough. I gave $7.50 for it at an auction. I don't have pics yet but can post them when I do. The bottom of the butt on mine is completely different from yours.
Is yours in real good shape? Mine will have to be restored (which will cost a couple hundred dollars). I don't know if I will do that yet. I like the old sticks. I played with one in the APA for years.
This is the same joint I have on my stick:
user1504401533 on 9/8/2017 3:43:58 PM
Yes, its in good condition. It has a few dings and scratches here and there, but over all its in good shape. I took it too a few places to see if I could get any information about it. All I could find out is its from the 1960s or 1970s .
I'm located in Fairmont, WV. What's your offer?
Mark Bellamy on 9/28/2017 3:14:48 PM
I could give you $50 for the cue. Please let me know if that would be ok.
user1504401533 on 11/2/2017 12:35:09 AM
I just got your message! If you are still interested I will give you my phone number. I don't want to post it online for anyone though.
Mark Bellamy on 11/6/2017 3:56:02 PM
I am interested in the cue. You can message me on Facebook also.
Help Identify Pool Cue With No Markings?
- Title: Help Identify Pool Cue With No Markings?
- Author: user1504401533
- Published: 9/2/2017 9:18:54 PM
- Last Updated: 9/4/2017 8:43:05 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)