Value of a Clint Putman Custom Cue #011119
2/25/2023 10:59:50 PM
Value of a Clint Putman Custom Cue #011119
Can anybody share any information on this pool cue? I inherited a few cues, this is one of them, and I know nothing about it.
It appears to be a Clint Putman custom cue with #011119.
I got it around 2005, so I know it is at least that old. I've never heard of a cue maker named Clint Putman.
Does anyone have any thoughts on if it's worth anything or what the number means?
Value of a Clint Putman Custom Cue #011119
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 3/11/2023 1:36:08 PM
Clint Putman is a small custom cue maker based out of Huntsville, AL. His full name is Clinton Alan Putman.
Note the spelling - Putman (not Putnam).
As of 2005 he was making one to two cues a month. Around that time, he was gaining in popularity among the hard core "cue heads" but I wouldn't say that his name was widely known.
He builds a limited number of cues each year, and each are signed "Clint Putman".
The serial number is a date code, but I can't figure out the format. I first thought it was in
format, BUT, you said you got the cue around 2005, and Clint passed away in 2018, so I am not sure what the deal is with that. Other Clint Putman cues have different formats altogether, so again, I am not certain of the format on yours.For example:
As mentioned, he passed away on November 22, 2018. From his obituary:
He taught school for 10 years. He was a science teacher and girls’ soccer coach at Ardmore High School. Before teaching school he was in the heating and cooling business. He also built custom pool cues.
I don't have much data on historical sales so I can't help much with the value. Yours is a basic design with no inlays, though the points appear nice and crisp.
I've seen a few sales of Clint Putman cues of similar complexity, and the selling prices seemed to hover between $200 and $300 give or take, but those aren't recent sales.
Now that you know what you have, I would create some alerts on classified sites, etc. and watch the market to get a better feel for the value of a Client Putman cue in 2023.
user1677383989 on 3/11/2023 4:02:57 PM
That gives me somewhere to start.
I really appreciate your thoughts.
Value of a Clint Putman Custom Cue #011119
- Title: Value of a Clint Putman Custom Cue #011119
- Author: user1677383989 (Gerard Darby)
- Published: 2/25/2023 10:59:50 PM
- Last Updated: 3/11/2023 1:03:11 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)