Huebler Cue ID and Value
6/1/2019 3:29:38 PM
Huebler Cue ID and Value
I need some help to identify and value this model of Huebler cue.
My daughter bought the cue several years ago.
She wants me to list it on eBay for sale, but I don't know what model it is or the approximate value.
Can you identify this Huebler Cue?
Huebler Cue ID and Value
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 6/2/2019 12:23:03 PM
You have a Huebler HS-6 pool cue.
From the Huebler Cue brochure:
A fascinating meld of simple and complex, including one of the most ornate sleeves ever designed at Huebler. Four redheart points of double black veneer set into a birdseye maple front. Three separate woods in the rings that bracket the stainless steel joint: African blackwood, redheart and ebony!
Surrounding the black-with-red-spot pressed Irish linen are two more ebony rings — then a 3” checker-board sleeve of 12 alternating squares of African blackwood and redheart again. Each African black-wood square is inlaid with a diamond of alternate ivory; each redheart square is inlaid with an ebony dot. This checkerboard pattern will make its player feel like a king!
David Martin on 6/2/2019 1:13:34 PM
Thanks! Do you have any idea what current market value is?
billiardsforum on 6/5/2019 2:02:27 AM
MSRP in 1999 was $452. Actual retail was probably somewhere around $415-$420.
Worth somewhat less than this now. Probably in the range of $180 to $260 depending on condition. Yours seems to be in great shape, so you would probably be looking at closer to the higher end of that.
Mark Bellamy on 6/21/2019 12:22:11 PM
Is the Huebler HS6 pool cue for sale?
If so, how much would you take for it?
user1569967200 on 10/1/2019 3:00:00 PM
Is the cue still available?
Huebler Cue ID and Value
- Title: Huebler Cue ID and Value
- Author: David Martin
- Published: 6/1/2019 3:29:38 PM
- Last Updated: 6/2/2019 12:14:35 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)