8-Point Pool Cue Identification
12/5/2019 11:41:34 AM
8-Point Pool Cue Identification
I know nothing about this cue and was wondering if anyone here might.
It's an 8 point cue and none of the inlays are decals, if that helps.
There are no cue maker's marks anywhere on the pool cue that I can see.
The case is suede, the likes of which I have not seen before.
8-Point Pool Cue Identification
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/8/2020 1:57:25 AM
This is a nice looking pool cue.
Did you ever figure out who made it?
optimusprimerib on 1/25/2020 8:55:41 PM
Not a clue, but I do thank you for your help with this topic.
This cue identification is still driving me nuts, guys and gals.
I put up my cue rack last night and this is the only one of the eight cues that I can't identify.
I'm seeing Helmstetter similarities but also Craig Petersen-influenced design here and there, as well.
TCummings on 6/20/2023 10:34:47 AM
Good Morning,
I ran across your cue ID question while searching for something else.
I am very confident that this is a Helmstetter pool cue from the late 1980s or early 1990s that has been refinished, hence no markings exist.
The shaft pilot and the pilot hole on the stainless steel joint collar are smaller than the normal .460" and the butts were made .250" shorter (28.75") and the shafts .250" longer (29.25"). These were both characteristic of Helmstetter's cues from that period.
Hope this helps!
Best of Luck,
Tim Cummings
8-Point Pool Cue Identification
- Title: 8-Point Pool Cue Identification
- Author: optimusprimerib
- Published: 12/5/2019 11:41:34 AM
- Last Updated: 1/8/2020 1:46:23 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)