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Palmer Model J Cue Pic

Palmer Model J Cue Pic

Palmer Model J cue from the second catalog.


Palmer Model J Cue Pic

Replies & Comments

  1. Chopdocbilliardsforum on 7/30/2018 2:53:43 AM

    This Palmer Model J cue is a beauty and it's in great shape. I really like the forearm on this Palmer, and the fact that it's not personalized (as far as I can tell from the pic).

    Your cue collection continues to evoke feelings of jealousy!

  2. ChopdocChopdoc on 7/30/2018 4:59:26 AM

    The original foil is missing from the window.

  3. Chopdocbilliardsforum on 7/31/2018 4:24:49 AM

    Interesting. Do you mean missing as in, it was there, but was removed somehow, or did it ship like that from Palmer? I am not familiar with how those are assembled, so wasn't sure if it was possible for a layman to just open it up.

    I did see in the Palmer Cues 2nd brochure product description that the Palmer Model-J cue could be ordered with or without personalization, but I would assume one would still want a blank foil to fill the window.

  4. ChopdocChopdoc on 7/31/2018 4:52:17 AM

    It was removed before I got it. You can remove the butt cap and window on these cues. Just unscrew it.

    I am looking for an original, and there are reproductions available.

    If ordered without personalization it would say "original by Palmer" on the foil in the window.

    You could also get one made without a window at all. They made customs, so you could order it any way you like.

  5. Chopdoclaurasf on 2/24/2022 3:20:57 PM

    Is this Palmer Model J cue still for sale?

  6. ChopdocChopdoc on 2/24/2022 7:08:53 PM


    While I appreciate the interest, it was not for sale when I posted the picture. It is in my collection and not for sale. There are some specific features of interest I did not disclose about it that will remain confidential. It is a treasure and I am happy to own it.

    It is, along with others, in my will, so it is not likely you will see it for sale while I am alive. In addition, it is willed as part of a Trust and will not likely be for sale after I pass for an extended period. It is slated for a preservation "restoration" that will preserve the originality and "patina" without detracting from the originality.

  7. Chopdoclaurasf on 2/24/2022 8:22:06 PM

    Nice! Thanks. I appreciate the photo.

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Palmer Model J Cue Pic

  • Title: Palmer Model J Cue Pic
  • Author: (Fernando Chaves)
  • Published: 7/27/2018 8:40:46 PM
  • Last Updated: 7/30/2018 2:54:59 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)