Value of a Viking C-170 Cue Circa 1992-1993
8/20/2020 7:14:20 PM
Value of a Viking C-170 Cue Circa 1992-1993
I am looking for the value of a Viking C-170 from the Viking C-Series.
It weighs 19 ounces.
I bought the cue in 1992 or 1993.
Value of a Viking C-170 Cue Circa 1992-1993
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 10/21/2020 2:26:02 AM
It's worth somewhere between $150 and $250 give or take.
I can't assess the quality of the cue because the photo isn't clear.
Value of a Viking C-170 Cue Circa 1992-1993
- Title: Value of a Viking C-170 Cue Circa 1992-1993
- Author: user1597976059 (Deanna Labella)
- Published: 8/20/2020 7:14:20 PM
- Last Updated: 10/21/2020 2:19:21 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)