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I Bought a Cue Tec Cue

I Bought a Cue Tec Cue

I bought a brand new Cue Tec cue for $150 total on eBay including shipping to my door.

I had previously had a cheapie Cue Tec pool cue with a fiberglass-over-wood shaft and I liked it a lot but accidentally destroyed the shaft trimming the tip on my bench grinder. LOL.

So I bid on a used Cue Tec cue and lost the bid so just went and bought this one new which, for $150.00 total That's just about $40.00 more than the used cue I was bidding on, and it's nicer looking. It has the SST shaft and adjustable weights. I'll let y'all know how it plays.

I'm currently playing with a one-piece house-cue war-club but I'm not playing badly with it. It's just hard to draw the ball with.



I Bought a Cue Tec Cue

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I Bought a Cue Tec Cue

  • Title: I Bought a Cue Tec Cue
  • Author:
  • Published: 8/25/2024 5:04:25 PM
  • Last Updated: 9/6/2024 8:12:57 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)