Helmstetter NTC-7 Cue Value
8/21/2018 9:47:29 PM
Helmstetter NTC-7 Cue Value
I'd like to find a value for a Helmstetter NTC-7 cue which has never been used. It is signed on the forearm, features a wooden joint screw, and comes with two shafts. The cue is in pristine condition.
I've searched online and cannot find any details for this cue. I wonder if anyone can't help me on this forum. See photos for details. Any valuation advice greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Helmstetter NTC-7 Cue Value
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 8/22/2018 2:56:28 AM
This is an Adam-Helmstetter 3-Cushion cue from the Adam-Helmstetter NTC series, Circa 1998. It was available through major pool cue retailers up through about 2005..(Richard Helmstetter was the cue's designer, and the cues were produced through the Adam cues factory in Japan.)
I don't have the exact MSRP, as my flyer from that time only goes up to NTC-6, but you can get a feel for the overall pricing and value for cues in that series. It probably had a retail price of around $500 at the time, give or take ~$40.
The forearm design is called a "butterfly splice" e.g. the veneers come to an oval-shaped point, instead of a sharp triangular point. The inlaid circle in the butt is made from mother-of-pearl. The wooden joint screw is common and typical for 3-cushion and carom cues.
By the way, one point of clarification; The cue is not, as you mentioned, "signed" in the sense that Richard hand-signed it, but rather, it's a production stamped signature mark that went on all of these cues. It is standard.
Here is an image showing Helmstetter NTC pool cues 1 through 6 with retail pricing from ~2002 to give you an idea of how much it might be worth:
These cues generally sell for less than their original retail price today. However, if yours is in brand-new, un-played condition (what we might call "new-old stock") and has two matching shafts (and all three pieces roll straight together and apart) then yours may be an exception to this.
However, there isn't a ton of demand for these. To give you an idea, there is a similar design from an older Adam-Helmstetter carom/3-cushion cue series from the 1990s. It sold for $212.50 (though it had been previously played with).
Also, a member on AZB shared/has/had the same cue as yours (but he didn't list a price):
L Jane on 8/22/2018 11:37:16 AM
Thank you so much for all of this info. You have noticed I'm not an experienced billiards person hence my errors! I'm going to list this for sale. Any suggestions as to where I might list it? Or should I just go through eBay? Thank you again.
billiardsforum on 8/23/2018 2:00:03 AM
I would post it to eBay, then also go on Facebook and search for "cue collector" and "Helmstetter" groups, and share the listing there as well.
Good luck and let us know what you end up selling it for!
Helmstetter NTC-7 Cue Value
- Title: Helmstetter NTC-7 Cue Value
- Author: L Jane
- Published: 8/21/2018 9:47:29 PM
- Last Updated: 8/22/2018 3:01:09 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)