Value of an Orchid Pool Cue
4/24/2017 10:11:43 AM
Value of an Orchid Pool Cue
I'm trying to find a value on my Orchid Cue and was wondering if you might have some insight. I acquired it, brand new, about 14 years ago. It's been used very sparsely and also with care, so its in excellent condition.
I am thinking of selling it and I'm just not sure what a fair asking price is?
Any help you can offer me would be greatly appreciated.
Stephanie Ford
Value of an Orchid Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/24/2017 7:49:15 PM
Does your Orchid cue have actual inlays or are they decals or something similar?
Orchid is a lower-end import cue (from Asia) owned by Ernie Chen of Falcon cues. Some had actual inlays, some just had decals. Both were still lower-end. The line was distributed in Canada by Palason Billiards, and the MSRP ranged from $84 CAD to $275 CAD around 2003-2004.
If you have the original invoice, or can remember the model... I can probably narrow that price a little, but in general, it's a cheap-ish cue... the same factories pump out so many of these under 100s of different names.
Anyway, hope that helps at least point you in the right direction.
P.S... I noticed you said you were from Dartmouth. Fun fact... this website is run out of Nova Scotia... (Beaverbank in the winter, and Tatamagouche in the summer). Small world!
user1706409298 on 1/27/2024 9:34:59 PM
The later Orchid cues were from Asia, but earlier ones were labelled "Orchid USA". These were higher-end cues, but I not sure at what value.
I'm trying to find out because I do have one.
I have seen an orchid USA selling on eBay for $700 with a $53.81 shipping cost.
billiardsforum on 2/23/2024 5:38:40 AM
@user1706409298 - When using eBay to help value pool cues, we need to keep a few things in mind:
- MANY people selling pool cues on eBay don't really know what they have, and often vastly over-estimate it's value. This means that:
- "Selling on eBay for $", and/or "Buy it Now" values don't really mean anything when valuing a pool cue.
- "Sold for" is a much better data point to use (as one part of a larger set of inputs to the valuation process). You can view recent "Sold For" values via "advanced search", by checking the "Sold Items" box. Be sure to disregard the crossed-out values, as in those cases, the buyer and seller typically agreed upon some lower sale price which we'll never see.
Just because the label says "Orchid USA" doesn't really mean they were made in the USA, and I am highly doubtful that they ever were. If anything, they may have been made in Canada for a short time while Falcon Cue still had it's headquarters and factory there (as it's a brand created by the founder of Falcon cues.
While I do agree that there are some early higher-end Orchid cues in comparison to some of the latest models, it is my opinion that $700 is probably more than double what even the best Orchid pool cue models are worth, used.
Evidence (from "sold" listings):
This one even has the original 1990s invoice!
Orchid USA Pool Cue Stick. Made In Mid 1990’s
- Sold for: US $170
- Sold date: 2024-02-20
- Bids: 12
- Location: Bakersfield, CA
The next three "Orchid USA" cues in the list that sold were priced at half that, averaging around ~$65 give or take.
As always, I'm happy to be proven wrong with supporting evidence!
If you want some input on value for your Orchid USA pool cue, start a new question and post some photos and any other detail you might have, and we'll go from there!
Value of an Orchid Pool Cue
- Title: Value of an Orchid Pool Cue
- Author: CanadianGal (Stephanie Ford)
- Published: 4/24/2017 10:11:43 AM
- Last Updated: 4/24/2017 6:27:55 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)