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Help Me Identify This Adam Cue and Value It

Help Me Identify This Adam Cue and Value It

Need help identifying the value and model of an Adam pool cue.



Help Me Identify This Adam Cue and Value It

Replies & Comments

  1. user1738691982billiardsforum on 2/7/2025 8:30:53 AM

    It is an Adam DX-2 pool cue from the Adam AD-DX series circa early 2002 to sometime around 2014.

    The MSRP was $160 USD, but they were commonly sold at retail (online) for around $128 USD.

    It would be worth somewhere less than $128 today.


  2. user1738691982user1738691982 on 2/8/2025 8:18:11 PM

    My cue seems to have mother of pearl inlays.

  3. user1738691982billiardsforum on 2/9/2025 2:15:23 PM

    The Adam DX2 cue doesn't have any mother-of-pearl inlay. This series was comprised of "graphics" cues (vs. inlay cues).

    Here's the description of this model from the Adam Cue marketing materials for this series:

    Adam DX-2 Cue

    This pool cue has a stained birdseye maple forearm with ebony, ivory, and green colored graphics. The butt is ebony with ivory and green colored graphics. The wrap is a black with white spec Irish linen. There are four sets of maple rings. The joint is 5/16 x 18 piloted stainless steel. This cue comes with one shaft with a 13 mm pro taper and a professional leather tip.

    Note that this doesn't mean the cue has ivory. It has "ivory-colored graphics".

    Hope that helps clear things up.

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Help Me Identify This Adam Cue and Value It

  • Title: Help Me Identify This Adam Cue and Value It
  • Author: (Dwayne Anaruk)
  • Published: 2/4/2025 12:59:43 PM
  • Last Updated: 2/7/2025 8:24:59 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)