How Much is a Helmstetter 98-4 Cue Worth?
9/3/2023 2:43:19 PM
How Much is a Helmstetter 98-4 Cue Worth?
What is the value of a used Helmstetter 98-4 pool cue?
How Much is a Helmstetter 98-4 Cue Worth?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 9/7/2023 6:05:39 AM
The MSRP of the Helmstetter 98-4 pool cue was $270 USD, but it could be bought brand new from most retailers for $190 USD.
Today, it would be worth around $100, give or take, depending on cosmetic condition. This assumes one matching shaft, that both pieces are dead straight, and that there are no other structural condition issues.
How Much is a Helmstetter 98-4 Cue Worth?
- Title: How Much is a Helmstetter 98-4 Cue Worth?
- Author: user1693766128
- Published: 9/3/2023 2:43:19 PM
- Last Updated: 9/7/2023 6:02:37 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)