Rose Meucci Originals Cue ID
2/9/2020 11:21:53 AM
Rose Meucci Originals Cue ID
Can someone help identify this Meucci Originals rose cue?
Rose Meucci Originals Cue ID
Replies & Comments
urconnection on 2/12/2020 7:25:47 PM
You do have a different wrap on your Meucci Originals rose cue, but that could of been a custom request.
I hope this helps.
billiardsforum on 2/13/2020 1:34:05 PM
I believe it is more likely to be a Meucci Loree Jon LJ-3 rose cue (as is the one in the photo @urconnection posted just above).
The Meucci Classics C2 series had the newer "Meucci" logo.
Rose Meucci Originals Cue ID
- Title: Rose Meucci Originals Cue ID
- Author: user1581247313
- Published: 2/9/2020 11:21:53 AM
- Last Updated: 2/13/2020 1:31:47 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)