ID this Pool Cue with Label Near Joint
4/19/2022 7:12:59 PM
ID this Pool Cue with Label Near Joint
Can anyone help identify this pool cue? Here's a photo of the label near the joint.
ID this Pool Cue with Label Near Joint
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 5/2/2022 5:20:29 AM
I can't make out what is on the label at all.
If you can read it better in person, please post details of what it says. Otherwise, it'll likely be impossible to ID this pool cue from this photo alone.
ID this Pool Cue with Label Near Joint
- Title: ID this Pool Cue with Label Near Joint
- Author: user1650395579
- Published: 4/19/2022 7:12:59 PM
- Last Updated: 5/2/2022 5:14:10 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)