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How Much is a Green Label Mali Cue Worth?

How Much is a Green Label Mali Cue Worth?

How much is a green-label Mali cue worth?

Also wonder what Mali model it is and how old the pool cue might be.


How Much is a Green Label Mali Cue Worth?

Replies & Comments

  1. user1578839028billiardsforum on 1/14/2020 3:32:44 AM

    Your cue is a Mali T-1 pool cue. It is the bottom of the line in the Mali Trophy Series.

    • Made from Maple
    • Nylon wrap
    • Brass joint
    • Steel joint pin

    The value of a Mali T1 cue might be between $100 and $200 depending on condition of both the cue and the shaft, and on current market conditions.


  2. user1578839028Jhurley117 on 10/16/2024 1:55:27 PM


    Any idea the value on this? It was bought from the factory in MA in the 80s.

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How Much is a Green Label Mali Cue Worth?

  • Title: How Much is a Green Label Mali Cue Worth?
  • Author:
  • Published: 1/12/2020 2:23:48 PM
  • Last Updated: 1/14/2020 3:20:33 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)