Looking for Solid Color Pool Cue
6/14/2013 7:16:44 AM
Looking for Solid Color Pool Cue
Can anyone direct me to a site where I can purchase either a solid silver or solid white pool cue. I do not want any inlays, extra colors, lines, or anything else, just solid white or silver. Is this a specialty item because everywhere I look there is always some other color, line, marking on the cues. I want solid white (pearl white preferably) or solid silver. please! Thanks all in advance.
Looking for Solid Color Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
tasha_silvester on 6/25/2013 5:38:00 AM
I have an online billiards store. You can get a solid silver color pool cue.
Looking for Solid Color Pool Cue
- Title: Looking for Solid Color Pool Cue
- Author: silversurfer (Tod Greene)
- Published: 6/14/2013 7:16:44 AM