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shark3149 Billiard Forum Profile Avatar Image
3,061 reputation ?
~60.88k people reached


Nate Ludy (aka: Nludy3149)
Occupation: Pool Player
Canton, OH United States

User Status

  • Offline
  • Last seen 16 years ago
  • Member for 18 years
  • 4803 profile views
  • Member #660

About Me

My name is Nate. I am 33, not married, but very much in love with my girlfriend. I have no kids as of yet but we are working on that.

I started playing pool when I was 5. My first job was at the pool hall. I worked there on and off for ten years and played 5 or 6 hours a day.

I now work for a machine shop but hurt my back and have had several surgeries and am now starting to go back to work.

I try to play about three or four hours a day until I go back to work. My game is not where it should be because of my back problems but I will get back in stroke soon.

I run some tournaments around town so I am around pool every day and love it.

My girl is now starting to play and she will be a member of my Wednesday night V.N.E.A pool team next year. I am a 9 and stay that way all year. The fist big tournament I played in was the Shamrock. It used to be the old Akron open. I worked at the pool hall and they paid for me to play. I didn't do very well but I won a few matches.

I have a problem. I am hooked on this game bad.

"BHQ Fan For Life"

"It ain't no fun when the rabbits got the gun"

Hobbies: Playing pool.

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My Gear

  • Playing Cue: Joss, Southwest, and a few others
  • Jump/Break Cue: Joss

My Vitals

  • Gender: Male
  • Marital Status: Common Law
  • Age: 51 years