What Billiard Skill Do You Need To Improve?
3/24/2007 10:31:04 AM
What Billiard Skill Do You Need To Improve?
What part of your pool game is the weakest. What billiard skill do you most need to improve upon?
For me I consider my break shot a real liability. I have good power but even when I slow it down I still can't find consistency with it. I fly off the table about one out of every 5-6 racks. I'm willing to bet that if I got even just a little bit better on my break that I'd have a lot higher percentage of break and run outs.
What Billiard Skill Do You Need To Improve?
Replies & Comments
Maniac on 3/26/2007 2:11:51 PM
My weakest link in playing pool, that I can't blame on any physical liabilities, would be my kicking game. It seems that whenever I get hooked and have to kick at a ball, I almost always miss it by a hair. The resulting ball-in-hand I give to my opponent almost always comes back to haunt me. I'm going to have to get some kind of billiard lessons on kicking someday, be it a book, video, or a real-life instructor.
shark3149 on 3/26/2007 2:39:57 PM
@bishop - I think you might just need to take your time.It sounds like you are not hitting the balls full. That was a problem for me.Now I am not worried about how hard I hit them but that I hit where I aim with a level stroke. I hope that will help you out in your game.
The weakest part of my pool game? Well that has to be jumping a ball and making target object ball go into the pocket where I intended. I can jump the ball and hit the target object ball almost every time, but to make it I have to be very lucky.
@maniac - I am very good at kicking so I kick most of the time. I had to learn how to kick when I started playing I could not play very good shape. I played bank pool a lot so I could learn how to bank and kick. I then spent the money on some lessons. That was the best thing I ever spent money on. I bought a lot of tapes and watched them all the time, but for me the lessons were the ticket. I plan to take some more as soon as I can.
I work very hard on every part of my game. When I see that I am having a hard time with some thing I work and work on it till it seems easy. I have always been the type of player who practiced well and practiced lots.
Bishop on 3/26/2007 3:38:54 PM
I've have some consistent mean breaks that jump once on the table and then bounce off, so I know I'm either hitting too high or too low. It's probably a combination of both cue ball accuracy and racking accuracy. I really should just practice them more.
What Billiard Skill Do You Need To Improve?
- Title: What Billiard Skill Do You Need To Improve?
- Author: Bishop (Ryan Jones)
- Published: 3/24/2007 10:31:04 AM