ID "Professional" Pool Cue
3/23/2024 10:50:12 PM
ID "Professional" Pool Cue
I am trying to identify this pool cue. It says "professional" inside of a windowed ring on the butt sleeve.
Can you tell me what brand name pool cue this is and its value?
ID "Professional" Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 3/24/2024 6:57:48 AM
It appears to be an inexpensive import cue
It looks like a poor knock-off of designs from the Palmer Cue Co. (which is no longer in business).
It has no value as a pool cue beyond it's utility value—somewhere between $0 and $20.
In the first photo above it appears that the forearm is separated from the handle. Generally, this cue wouldn't be worth the cost of a repair for most.
ID "Professional" Pool Cue
- Title: ID "Professional" Pool Cue
- Author: Brooke Opperman
- Published: 3/23/2024 10:50:12 PM
- Last Updated: 3/24/2024 6:49:33 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)