Value of a National Pool Cue with Red Letter N Logo
6/19/2021 10:14:51 AM
Value of a National Pool Cue with Red Letter N Logo
I bought this National cue stick in Middletown, RI back in the early 1970s.
I saw the info about these in the question Pool Cue Logo With Letter N In A Red Circle.
Could this one below be from the better company?
And if so, how much do you think this National pool cue is worth?
Value of a National Pool Cue with Red Letter N Logo
Replies & Comments
- billiardsforum on 6/24/2021 2:31:33 AM
Your cue is from the early 1990s I believe, and was most likely mass-produced in Japan.
It would be worth less than $100.
See also:
- user1624122891 on 6/26/2021 4:28:38 PM
How could this cue be from the 1990s?
I was born 1959, and was 18 years old when I bought it.
- billiardsforum on 7/8/2021 5:50:17 PM
Obviously you know when you bought the cue. I stand corrected.
I responded based on the information we have on those cues in our archives.
If anyone has any supporting references or documentation that supports these "red letter N" National pool cues being from the 1970s, I would love to see it so that I can update the info.
- user1624122891 on 7/10/2021 8:05:20 AM
Yes please, I would love to hear back from you on any updates.
Actually—this cue could have been purchased in the 1980s, as I was living in Newport, RI at the time but was not married to my ex in 1990. I bought the cue when I was with him.
Value of a National Pool Cue with Red Letter N Logo
- Title: Value of a National Pool Cue with Red Letter N Logo
- Author: user1624122891
- Published: 6/19/2021 10:14:51 AM
- Last Updated: 6/24/2021 2:27:18 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)