ID Cue with Gold Adam Logo on Forearm
2/13/2021 5:52:09 AM
ID Cue with Gold Adam Logo on Forearm
Can anyone identify the model and value of this Adam cue?
It has a gold Adam logo on the forearm. The sticker on butt says "20 oz".
ID Cue with Gold Adam Logo on Forearm
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/13/2021 11:08:03 AM
This is a cue from the Adam Cue Co. of Japan.
I don't know the exact model (they've put out tens of thousands of models over the years).
The design is similar to the "JULIO 12" cue model from the Julio Stamboulini line which was made by Adam Cue (but I don't think it's this model - it's just that the design is similar). Your specific Adam Cue model would be newer than these (perhaps by 4-8 years newer, but I'm not 100% sure on that).
IbinAdo on 2/13/2021 11:59:45 AM
And again, many thanks!
I will try asking the manufacturer for some more information on that one.
ID Cue with Gold Adam Logo on Forearm
- Title: ID Cue with Gold Adam Logo on Forearm
- Author: IbinAdo (Alexander Mairhofer)
- Published: 2/13/2021 5:52:09 AM
- Last Updated: 2/13/2021 8:58:20 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)