Help Identify a Crystal Leisure Wizard Pool Cue
8/22/2024 12:55:22 AM
Help Identify a Crystal Leisure Wizard Pool Cue
I inherited this wizard pool cue with playing cards, and after my grandma passed, I have no reason to play pool anymore.
I want to find it a new home with someone who loves this kind of stuff and will take care of it because me and my grandma had lots of fun playing when she was alive.
I am trying to see how much it is worth. It's worth a lot to me in that it is keeping her spirit alive.
Help Identify a Crystal Leisure Wizard Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
KCCC on 8/23/2024 8:29:52 PM
Sadly It has no value other than the sentimental value you have attached to it.
It was a $20 cue when it was new and it's a $10 cue now.
If I were you I would try to find a YMCA or a youth center with a pool table and donate the cues to them in her name.
billiardsforum on 9/3/2024 4:12:23 PM
100% agree with @KCCC above.
This is a Crystal Leisure Wizard cue. The model is B2436, which is that number seen on the sticker visible in your photo.
This "playing cards" design mimics a design popularized by Bob Meucci and featured in his Meucci Originals cue series from the 1970s and 1980s (and in other Meucci cues still in production today).
Help Identify a Crystal Leisure Wizard Pool Cue
- Title: Help Identify a Crystal Leisure Wizard Pool Cue
- Author: ruby9nine (L. Armitage)
- Published: 8/22/2024 12:55:22 AM
- Last Updated: 9/3/2024 4:20:28 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)