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Please Help With Players Cue Identification

Please Help With Players Cue Identification

Good evening players.

I need help identifying my Players pool cue.

It has the players logo with the 6 balls and then a "VI" on the opposite side.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.




Please Help With Players Cue Identification

Replies & Comments

  1. cncsarabbilliardsforum on 3/6/2025 7:42:05 AM

    It is a Players G2215 pool cue from the Players graphics series.

    The "VI" roman numeral represents the cue's date of birth. In this case, it's 2005 ("V"), 1st month (I).

    MSRP was $69.98 but a common retail price at that time was around $56 USD, brand new.


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Please Help With Players Cue Identification

  • Title: Please Help With Players Cue Identification
  • Author:
  • Published: 9/20/2024 8:04:54 PM
  • Last Updated: 3/6/2025 7:43:54 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)