Late 80s or Early 90s Pool Cue Identification
4/15/2018 12:17:42 PM
Late 80s or Early 90s Pool Cue Identification
I am trying to identify the brand or cue maker of a late 80's or early 90's pool cue that I purchased new from a reputable pool place in Atlanta for like $200 back then.
It is brand new 2-piece cue, and has no brand. logo, or markings.
Any idea who made it?
Late 80s or Early 90s Pool Cue Identification
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/15/2018 4:52:03 PM
So you bought this cue new, do you remember if it was a custom made pool cue, or if it was a production cue?
I don't recognize it just based on looks, but if we know whether or not it is a custom cue or a production cue, we can go from there.
What we know:
- Bought new in Atlanta in the late 1980s or early 1990s
- Price was around $200 at that time
If it was a custom cue, we can use the fact that you bought it in Atlanta to narrow it down to cue makers local to that area.
user1523809061 on 4/15/2018 5:01:02 PM
Production I'm sure. They had many different types behind the counter. Some more expensive some less. I chose the middle. Yes I purchased new back then.
If you need any other pics let me know. The other end is just plain stick no markings I can tell. It appears over time the wood has turned a little green like. Guessing age does that? The end looks like a black rubber end cap with an open screw hole.
Thanks again for any help!
user1523809061 on 4/27/2018 8:30:05 AM
Any luck identifying? Thanks again!
billiardsforum on 4/30/2018 6:18:46 AM
Still haven't come across anything, but I look at hundreds of cues each week. Sometimes it turns out that I spot a cue many months later. It happens. If anything comes up, I will let you know, and you'll get the email notification.
Late 80s or Early 90s Pool Cue Identification
- Title: Late 80s or Early 90s Pool Cue Identification
- Author: user1523809061
- Published: 4/15/2018 12:17:42 PM
- Last Updated: 4/15/2018 4:47:48 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)