Find a McDermott Cue Model Number
6/1/2019 1:27:18 PM
Find a McDermott Cue Model Number
I picked up two new cues this morning and I don't know the model numbers.
One is a Northern Cue, and the other is the McDermott cue shown below.
Thought I'd be able to find the model of the McDermott cue on their website but was unable to find a match.
Find a McDermott Cue Model Number
Replies & Comments
Chopdoc on 6/2/2019 6:25:32 AM
The McDermott is a C-2. Surprised you could not find it.
The other cue I have no idea...
user1559420837 on 6/2/2019 3:29:21 PM
Thank you for all the info! Can't wait to get out next weekend and try them out.
Find a McDermott Cue Model Number
- Title: Find a McDermott Cue Model Number
- Author: user1559420837
- Published: 6/1/2019 1:27:18 PM
- Last Updated: 6/5/2019 4:57:41 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)