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90s-Era Meucci Cue Identification Needed

90s-Era Meucci Cue Identification Needed

Hello, pool cue experts!

I have a Meucci cue that I won off of someone gambling back in the mid- to-late 1990s. This cue stick ended up being put away somewhere around 1999 and not picked back up until late last year.

When I went searching for the model and the value just for the sake of curiosity, I have not been able to find a match. The best I've come up with is a custom version of the 95-8 model but I wasn't sure that was even an option?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and keep up the good work. You guys are invaluable to the community!



90s-Era Meucci Cue Identification Needed

Replies & Comments

  1. Evoicbilliardsforum on 3/28/2024 8:06:09 PM

    You have a Meucci 97-8 pool cue from the Meucci 97 series, circa 1997.


  2. EvoicEvoic on 3/29/2024 12:50:39 AM

    Where the HECK did you find that picture? I feel like I searched the entire Internet for weeks and couldn't find a color match like mine.

    Thank you for the confirmation!

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90s-Era Meucci Cue Identification Needed

  • Title: 90s-Era Meucci Cue Identification Needed
  • Author: (Jeff Wallace)
  • Published: 3/28/2024 12:19:20 PM
  • Last Updated: 4/1/2024 5:00:55 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)